Skilled Nursing Facilities across Los Angeles Contract Dentistry Services
Lumina HealthCare has recently announced that the organization has experienced a significant increase in the number of skilled nursing facilities contracting their dentistry and podiatry services. The company’s technical team is now becoming highly valued within communities across Los Angeles for both the comprehensive level of their expertise as well as the care and attention they put into every element of their work.
Within nursing facilities across the country, it’s imperative that residents have access to the highest level of care beyond that offered by the current facility and its equipment. Medical facilities are often in desperate need of dentistry work in order to ensure that their patients achieve the optimal level or oral health care alongside their current treatment regimen. It’s for this reason that the services offered by Lumina HealthCare have become a crucial component of the work of skilled nursing facilities across the region.
During 2013 and January 2014, the number of nursing facilities contracting the services of Lumina HealthCare increased dramatically. This increase is down to the recognition within the community of the dedication that the Lumina staff is now placing into their exceptional care work. The company offers facilities in Los Angeles access to digital x-rays, bridge and crown work, dental hygiene services and more – all at no direct cost to the facility for qualifying organizations. It’s a service that will continue to improve healthcare standards in the community throughout 2014 and beyond.