Lumina HealthCare signs a Contract to Provide Dental Services to The Californian Nursing Facility
Los Angeles, California based on-site dental care experts Lumina HealthCare have recently announced they’ve entered into a contract with the Californian nursing facility. The team at Lumina HealthCare will now be providing the Californian with access to leading class mobile dental care services such as on-site digital x-rays and oral cancer screenings as part of their service to the 68-bed facility.
Skilled nursing facilities must maintain the highest quality of care for their patients. But many facilities find that their patients struggle with oral care issues while recovering from their other medical problems. This means that California facilities must work alongside dental services specialists to ensure patients achieve a holistic treatment solution designed to resolve their oral care needs for the long-term. The specialists at Lumina HealthCare have great experience in this area, and have recently signed a contract with the Californian nursing facility in Santa Barbara, California to provide their patients with high level dental care.
As part of their service to the residents of the Californian, Lumina HealthCare will be providing each resident an initial screening, which then offers the foundation for the resident’s future care needs. The company’s team of dentists and dental hygienists has great experience within the on-site dental care field and will be working with the latest mobile dental health equipment to support the Californian’s residents in their health recovery objectives.